Best iPad Board Games Collection From App Store

There are quite a few wonderful board games around for the iPad users. Just take a look at App Store and you’ll find it really hard to narrow the list down for you. Here we have listed some of the best board games available for iPad based on the categories they belong to. Just take a look at our collection.

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Best Board Games For iPad

Here are some of the top rated board games that the iPad users can put their hands on. We have detailed each of them here.


It’s a tile-placement game in which you have to create a town. Place “Meeples” around the tiles for becoming the Kingdom ruler. Points are awarded in the game when you finish roads, protect Abbeys and complete kingdoms. Players who have most points once all the tiles are laid down win.Carcassonne can be played alone against the AI opponents as well as in pass-and-play style with friends sitting right beside you. Even online players can be taken on and you can compete with them. You can also enjoy playing solitaire where you have to earn points more with chance rather than strategy.

It is really easy to begin playing the game even if it’s your first time but you really have to make your best strategies for playing against experienced opponents. It is just like playing chess where you have to come up with something solid if you really have to beat experienced campaigners. So, download this game today for just $9.99!


The game takes the players on a discovery journey. You have to collect items and the ultimate goal is to make the most of the adventure by simply trying out new things, collecting so many different souvenirs and grabbing new foods to eat. You have to make strategies for balancing limited number of coins that you have and the experiences that you get to enjoy. Sometimes, you don’t get to share the space with other players and can’t be able to enjoy an experience.


Tokaido can be played against AI opponents and the number of opponents can vary between 1,2, and 3. You can also get your friends together to play in pass-and-play event. Even online players can be connected to for competing in Tokaido.

The best thing about the game is the way it has been turned from space-moving adventure to a wonderful path-following landscape game. It is available on App Store for just $6.99 and can be downloaded anytime.

Catan HD

It’s a resources game in which you have to build your own empire by owning land as well as materials so that you can take the title “Lord of Catan”. You have to build settlements, which produce certain resources and roads, for helping you out in taking over the new regions. Player who has maximum number of victory points in the end wins the game.

It is a bit complex, particularly when you haven’t played its physical version prior to giving it a shot on your iPad, but as soon as you get accustomed to mechanics and the rules of this game, you’ll never leave it.


The game also lets you to make customized pass-and-play games featuring up to 4 people. You can even play against the AI opponents in case if there are no gamers around. You can even play in the multiplayer mode online. So, download it for just $4.99 and enjoy all the fun.


If you are after some sort of cooperative style gaming experience then you must give Mysterium a try. It’s an ethereal game in which you either take the role of a ghost which sends visions or a clairvoyant which sees visions. The players have to figure out the murderers with the help of randomly drawn clue cards. If you make perfect guesses through suggestions provided to you, you find the murderer which makes the ghost to rest eternally. Here we are not talking about something like Clue, but a vision-giving ghost game.

The Story Mode lets you to play the game alone with the AI companions but you may also play against your friends in pass-and-play mode. Like other board games mentioned above, Mysterium can also be played online. You can also get into the event char room to discuss ideas on guessing killers.

It is a board games that requires you to come up with somewhat imaginative thinking and make the most of your experience. You have to go with out-of-the-box thinking if you want to figure out what the card actually means. Whether you are a ghost or a clairvoyant, you’ll need a bit of that. The best part is that the game is not that pricey and you can download it only for $2.99.

Ticket To Ride

Though similar to empire building board games, Ticket To Ride requires you to claim railroad routes as well as earn points for connecting these routes to different cities. You are not required to build towns, cities and castles. Train cars in different colors have to be selected by the players, sometimes randomly and sometimes from face-up decks, and then use cards they have for connecting rail lines with each other. If extra large routes are connected, it gives you extra points.


You can make the game interesting by buying 7 different maps and 3 expansions with each having 3 more maps. So, if you are getting bored with the game, you can simply put out some new map to revamp the experience completely once again.

The game is available for just $1.99 and can be enjoyed solo, in pass-and-play style, and against the online opponents as well.

Plague Inc.

It’s a domination board game in which you have to destroy world’s population simply by spreading some disease. When you infect humans, you are rewarded with DNA points. All the points that you earn can help you in upgrading the disease. You have to strategically upgrade the way you transmit the disease, the symptoms that it causes and the strength it can achieve. As you spread diseases, world knows about it and makes efforts to research its cure and get rid of it once and for all. It means, you also have to ensure that you weaken different communities not allowing cities to be able to do proper research. You win by killing all the living human beings before a cure is discovered for your disease.

The game gives you a solitary experience where you spread the disease alone rather than joining some online community and competing with friends. All your friends can do is to offer suggestions while sitting right beside you.


This game got a bit of reverse drive as it was first started as video game and later its physical version was developed after getting massively successful in digital world. However, there is a significant difference in the way the game is played physically.

The game is available for download on App Store and is priced at just $0.99.

So, pick one of these best iPad games and choose one that is you personally find interesting. You’ll really have a cherishing experience.


Categories: App StoreIPad