
iOS 11.3 Jailbreak Update – What’s The Latest

Min Zheng from Ali Baba has again taken advantage of his favorite social media platform to share something new with…

Download And Install RetroArch Emulator 64-Bit Without Jailbreak On iOS 11

If you’re looking to download and install multi-system emulators for your favorite games on an iOS 11 device but do…

iCleaner Pro Beta Released For iOS 11 Electra Jailbreak

If you have already been using the popular tweak named iCleaner Pro on your jailbroken devices, the good news for…

How To Delete Electra iOS 11 Jailbreak From iPhone/iPad

The jailbreak community is active again these days and new jailbreaks have been released from the active developers in the…

Latest News On iOS 11 Jailbreak Electra With Cydia

If you’re among those involved remotely with jailbreaking world, you’d already know by now that CoolStar who developed Electra Jailbreak…

Cydia For iOS 11 Electra Jailbreak Release Date, Screenshots On iPhone X Revealed

It’s time that we can put our hands on Cydia For iOS 11 Electra Jailbreak as its release date was…

How To Respring An iPhone Running iOS 11 Without Jailbreak

Do you often need to respring iPhones running iOS 11 without having to jailbreak the device? If that’s the case,…

Electra Beta 10 Jailbreak iOS 11.1.2 Available now – Check Out All The Changes

If you’re in the jailbreak community, you must already know the developer CoolStar. Well, they’ve come up with another update…

OS 11.2.2 Jailbreak Might Be Possible Now With New Vulnerability Revealed

Adam Donenfeld from Zimperium team that teased quite a few bugs of iOS 11.2.2 has again come up with something…

iOS 10.3.3 Jailbreak H3lix Available Now – Check Details Here

iOs 10.3.3 jailbreak is now possible courtesy H3lix jailbreak and can be run on all the 32-bit devices that are…