
PS4 5.00 Jailbreak Arrives With Complete Kernel Access

As soon as the firmware exploit was found for PS4 5.00, the latest software version available, it only was the…

iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Tweaks – What’s New?

So, here is our next episode of iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Tweaks. There are many new tweaks around for the jailbroken…

Jailbreak Apple TV 3 – What are the Possiblities?

Launched back in 2012, Jailbreak Apple TV 3 allows for media playback right from a small black box. It also…

How To Jailbreak Apple TV 4 – ApplePit.Com

Apple TV really is one great addition to your TV setup that already exists. Your Apple TV allows you to…

Installing Saavn++ On Your iOS 10/11 Without Any Jailbreak

Everyone loves to have some popular music app on their mobile device. There are some who just stay contented with…

iOS 10 Jailbreak Tweaks – Creamy, Castillo Pro, Actif 2 And Many More

With so many jailbreak tweaks out there, it is often hard to get your hands on the best ones available.…

How To Jailbreak iPhone 6s – Tips And Tricks

 Jailbreaking allows iOS users to be able to read/write OS files that are locked otherwise on an iPhone, iPad and…

How To Jailbreak iPhone 6s – Everything You Need To Know

Jailbreaking is a common term that, probably, every iPhone user is aware of. But many still don’t have a clue…

iOS 10 Jailbreak Tweaks – Get Everything You Want On Your iOS 10

If you have got your new iPhone running iOS 10 and are still getting bored with the new experience, you…

How To Jailbreak iOS 10.2 iPhone 7

Despite all the great features and functionalities added by apple to its newest models of iPhones and iPads, the need…