Electra iOS 11.3.1 Jailbreak Released And Available For Download Now

It’s been quite a long period of dedication and hard work after which we are finally able to get our hands on latest Electra Jailbreak version. It is now available for download and offers compatibility with the iOS 11.3.1 on different Apple hardware including iPhone X. In addition, it comes with full Cydia support as well.

We, as part of the jailbreak community, have witnessed lots of different jailbreak solutions coming through in last several months. A few out of those used to be flash-in-the-pan solutions while the others received periodic updates to last longer and extend support to different devices running multiple firmware versions.

A few months back, Electra apparently seemed to be the former type as CoolStar, the developer of the jailbreak, appeared disillusioned with jailbreak community and there wasn’t much gratitude received by him for the release of the tool. However, things have changed ever since and Electra seems to be gaining strength and there’s this new release that proves the point.

Now we have an improved Electra version at hand that is available with an easy-to-use interface like its previous versions but it also features some other necessary components as well as internals for instantly liberating the 64-bit devices from Apple that are running on iOS 11.3.1, the last exploited firmware from Apple courtesy Ian Beer’s exploit.

Earlier, there had been talks about the latest Electra release that it will support only the iPhone 6 or below running the latest iOS 11 release. However, the rumors were nipped in the bud as CoolStar confirmed that the new jailbreak will be compatible with all the devices going up to the latest iPhone X. Now, that’s what we’ve received with the latest release of Electra jailbreak that not just supports iOS 11.3.1 but the older firmware versions as well going down to the iOS 11.2.

Unlike the initial Electra release that was compatible with iOS 11.0.x to iOS 11.1.2, the latest version we have at hand offers Cydia support and also for the Substitute framework, the Comex-Created Cydia Substrate replacement, and what that means is that the jailbreakers should get Cydia access immediately and can install the favorite tweaks instantly without having to wait for the additional future updates coming from Saurik.

So, now we have a complete jailbreak ready for the iOS 11.3.1 that is also compatible with the iOS 11.3 beta versions.

The latest release of Electra jailbreak can be downloaded instantly from coolstar.org/electra/ in the form of IPA download which you can then sideload with Cydia Impactor or some other similar tool. You have a couple of versions available and one of them requires you to have a paid developer account to get the jailbreak while there is another one that doesn’t impose anything like that on you and you can use it with your free Apple ID.

So, download now and install the jailbreak on your compatible device to have all the fun that you have been waiting for.

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