Talking about the Mac address, it has nothing to do with the Apple’s Mac devices rather it is an acronym for Media Access Control. Similar to all the networkable devices, iPhones and iPads also have their specific mac addresses that serve as a unique identifier for making your devices identifiable over a network. Usually, the network functions involving the MAC address of your device are automatically handled and the user has nothing to worry about as far as these things are concerned. However, when you have to make some advanced configurations for your networks, you will have to provide the MAC address for your device, even when you are using mobile devices such as iPhones/iPads.
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How To Locate Mac For Your iPhone/iPad
Whether you want to establish a connection to some secure school or work network, make access to a home network limited, or perform any other configuration involving your MAC address, here is where you can locate the address for your iPhone/iPad.
- Open Settings
- Go to General and select About
- The page that opens up will contain lots of important bits of information related to your device like capacity, serial number, model number, etc.
- Remember that you can’t find anything labeled as MAC address, rather you should search for Wi-Fi Address of your iPhone/iPad here. The field will have some letters and numbers separated by colons and that’s exactly what you are looking for. It’s the MAC address for your device.
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How It Works
Here it is worth mentioning that MAC address isn’t technically unique for every device. Instead, the address has to be unique for the network interface of your device. iMac, for instance, comes with both Ethernet and Wi-Fi network connections and the MAC addresses for both these interfaces are different. It is also important that you make the right pick according to the need of your network configurations.
The rule also applies to iPhones/iPads as well that come with Bluetooth interfaces besides the common Wi-Fi interface. It means that Bluetooth option in Settings will also have MAC address specified. However, when configuring devices on networks, you need Wi-Fi MAC rather than Bluetooth MAC.
So, that’s all about your MAC and how to find it for your iPhone/iPad. Locate it with the method mentioned above the next time you have to configure your device to a new network.