iOS 11.3 Jailbreak – Everything You need To Know

If you’re an iPhone/iPad user and always keep your eyes on everything latest coming from Apple, you’d know by now that Apple has officially launched iOS 11.3 for general public. With this release, all compatible iPhone/iPad models can now be used for downloading and installing the latest firmware version from Apple. What this also means, however, is that jailbreak lovers will be ready to start making efforts to enjoy a jailbroken experience even on the newest firmware from Apple.

As far as iOS 11.3 jailbreak goes, we haven’t yet seen anything official released for jailbreak community. In fact, iOS 11.3 has also been released after remaining in beta version for quite some time. So, it wasn’t quite viable for the developers and researchers to start taking advantage of the vulnerabilities when the firmware version was still in the beta state. So, even if some major exploits were revealed by the progressive individuals from the jailbreak community, it should come out now. However, we still don’t see any hints of official jailbreak news from the community.

That being said, what we know already is that Abraham Masri – a credible person from jailbreak community – discovered something that he called ‘0day’ vulnerability which he found in initial pre-release beta of iOS 11.3. Normally, ‘0day’ release would’ve lead the community to start celebrating the achievement of a specific major part of the jailbreak.

But, in this case, even Masri was of the view that in current form the vulnerability may not prove to be too useful. However, if given into right hands, it may be useful and can be combined with other useful exploits to achieve the final results. Even we don’t have any news on if someone has taken the challenge or is working actively towards the goal.

At the moment, iOS 11.1.2 jailbreak is the latest jailbreakable firmware version available publicly. With iOS 11.3 being released to general public now, iOS users don’t have much time left to take advantage of FutureRestore and shift back to the jailbreakable version. Even for that, they’d need to meet specific requirements as Apple is not currently signing iOS 11.1.2. That’s because iOS 11.3 gets public and it won’t be long before Apple stops signing the iOS 11.2.6 version of the firmware which is actually the last version with iOS 11.1.2 compatible SEP (a requirement to use FutureRestore).

So, as we already have iOS 11.3 available to general public, the individuals from jailbreak community now have the liberty to get more public regarding anything they’re working on as the firmware is now final and no one would be able to patch it unless Apple releases its new version. That’s exactly the reason why we’re hopeful of seeing more solid information to be revealed to public.

Just stay tuned until a jailbreak – or some relevant news – arrives from anyone in the jailbreak community.

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