iOS 12 Beta 11 Error Fix – A New Update Is Available Now

If you are already using an iOS 12 beta on your iPhone/iPad, it is quite possible that you’ve already hit that annoying bug which first came to the scene on 27th of August after the release of latest beta version of the iOS. However, that bug has become a lot more annoying in these last 24 hours or so.

The bug that we’re talking about here is some type of popup which continues to pop up on your device’s screen and proclaim that a new iOS 12 update is available and you should get the update right away. The issue is that there’s no new update being propagated by Apple yet.

The update reads “A new iOS update is available now. Please update from iOS 12 beta”, and while it appears to be quite irritating, things are getting even worse because this popup starts appearing every time you unlock your device. In fact, it happens even when you invoke your device and dismiss the Notification Center.

Take it a step further, you have to dismiss the message manually before you can be able to use your iOS device again, and that means if you have to unlock your iOS device quite a lot then you’ll have to get accustomed to hitting that ‘Close’ icon on a particular message which, essentially, doesn’t mean anything.

Guilherme Rambo, the developer, says the issue seems to appear because of an error present in the recent update which causes the iOS beta to believe the current beta installation is soon going to expire and that makes the popup message to appear on users’ screen.

It suggests that another iOS 12 beta has to be released for getting rid of the issue and we can expect it to land some time soon. In fact, it’s going to be soon enough!

Meanwhile, you can do a bit of a workaround to temporarily make peace with this issue and ensure that you don’t have to face it each time you unlock your device. For that, you’ll have to go to Settings > General > Date & Time and then disable the Set Automatically option before setting the device date to something before 26th August. Obviously, that may affect a few aspects of your iOS installation including the apps but you don’t seem to have any other option to avoid this issue until the new fix arrives.

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