iOS 12 Brings Siri Translations In All Possible English Variants

If you are among those Siri lovers who often have to travel to the countries where they need to talk in several languages or even if you live in such a country, you’d love to know that your digital assistant is now coming with a freshly added feature. To be specific, it’s improved on a feature that already exists.

You can now have access to Siri translations in all the English languages and that’s something which all our Canadian friends would cherish as they had been managing things with the American English while taking advantage of their Siri assistant.

Last year, when iOS 11 was released, it allowed Siri to be able to offer language translations through a very simple process. It only required the Siri users to translate by invoking Siri and asking for translating the needed text into their desired language. For instance, if you say “translate ‘Good Morning’ into French”, you’d get the result as “Bonjour”.

In addition, Siri won’t just be providing you with the answers in text but will also read the translation for you loud. It’s something quite invaluable for the languages which need words to be spoken in specific way for ensuring the accurate meaning is recognized.

Apple is continuously making improvements to Siri, but we agree that still there’s lots of room available for its betterment.

With Siri Shortcuts now here as part of the latest iOS 12, more and more iPhone users will now be able to use it effectively. In fact, they’ll be more inclined to using it to make their life easier.

Categories: NewsSoftware