Electra Beta 10 Jailbreak iOS 11.1.2 Available now – Check Out All The Changes

If you’re in the jailbreak community, you must already know the developer CoolStar. Well, they’ve come up with another update of the trending Electra Jailbreak. Officially referred to as Electra Beta 10, the jailbreak can now be downloaded and used for getting unrestricted access to iOS 11.1.2.

Here we have shared the changelog that outlines latest update to Electra Jailbreak which seems to be the combined effort of CoolStar, NullPixel, and stek29. They have all worked on certain aspect of this new jailbreak release for iOS 11.1.2.

According to release notes, there are no major compatibility improvements or changes. Rather, it cleans so much of the jailbreak’s codebase and provides fixes that might have been considered troublesome by some of the users. However, what it shows is that the developer is committed to bringing improvements to the jailbreak experience and does it regularly to offer best possible experience to the users.

Here’s the changelog released officially for iOS 11.1.2 Beta 10.

  • Some codesigned binaries that weren’t working with amfi payload have been fixed
  • Darwintools, shell-cmds, system-cmds, uikittools and debiantools (not dpkg) have been added
  • Code Cleanup
  • Most of bootstrap has been re-signed as SHA 1 for preparing them to be pushed to repo
  • Update Checker error that said there’s an update in the airplane mode has been fixed

So, if you’re getting excited to have your iOS 11 iPhone/iPad jailbroken, you must resort to Electra Beta 10 to jailbreak your device running any version of iOS between iOS 11.0 and iOS 11.2. Just grab your copy of Electra Beta 10 IPA from their official website and sideload it on to your device to get started with the jailbreak. So, break free and liberate your iOS device from all its limitations with Electra Beta 10 jailbreak iOS 11.1.2.

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