With lots of work being done by the jailbreak community, new jailbreaks for iOS have started to pop up again. We already have several jailbreaks available now within the course of a month or so. Now, here we have the tutorial for you on how to jailbreak iOS 11 and any other version up to iOS 11.1.2. The jailbreak is now possible with LiberiOS jailbreak tool and gives you access to all the Cydia tweaks that you might have long been waiting to enjoy on your iOS device.
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About LiberiOS Jailbreak iOS 11
Similar to other recently released jailbreaks, this LiberiOS jailbreak is also semi-untethered and requires users to put their device into the jailbreak mode whenever they reboot their iOS device. Besides, the jailbreak app will have to be signed regularly to make sure that it keeps working.
It’s another jailbreak that’s possibly been made around wonderful exploit discovered by Ian Beer from Project Zero of Google. The exploit was taken full advantage of by Jonathan Levin and the likes to come up with this particular public jailbreak release. However, before you get on with the jailbreak process and start jailbreaking your iOS device, you should better take care of few things and put them into place so that the jailbreak works fine on your device. Here’s a checklist that you should refer to:
- Supported firmware version and devices: The jailbreak is for all the 64-bit devices, including latest iPhone X as well as iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus models with any firmware version between iOS 11 to iOS 11.1.2.
- You must grab the LiberiOS jailbreak tool
- Also get Cydia Impactor from Saurikthat will be used for getting IPA file of the jailbreak sideloaded to your iOS device. If you don’t have it already, download it from cydiaimpactor.com
- Make sure that you’re running latest version of iTunes
- There must be a computer running Windows or macOS
- You should also have access to a full or free Apple developer ID that you can get from developer.apple.com with an Apple account that you already have or can also create a new one.
Besides, keep it in mind that Cydia as well as Cydia Substrate do not work properly as yet. So, you’ll have to wait until they are updated by Saurik. For now, use this jailbreak to get SSH and root access.
How To Jailbreak iOS 11 With LiberiOS?
Here are all the steps that you will have to follow for jailbreaking iOS 11 on your iPhone. Make sure that you follow each step precisely to avoid any kind of inconvenience along the way.
- Connect your iOS device running iOS 11.1.x to a Windows PC or Mac with the help of Lightning cable. Ensure that you create a complete backup of your iOS device at this point with latest iTunes version so that any issues can be avoided if something goes wrong during jailbreak. This will allow you to save all your important stuff on the device regardless of how your jailbreaking experience goes.
- Once you have created complete backup of your device, you can launch the Cydia Impactor tool on PC or Mac. Drag IPA file of LiberiOS jailbreak into Cydia Impactor UI. Provide login credentials of your Apple account when the setup prompts you and then wait until Cydia Impactor sideloadsyour signed app to the connected iOS device. If you’ve just started using the Cydia Impactor tool, you should better check our guide on sideloading IPA files with Cydia Impactor.
- After sideloading the app to your device, you still have some work left to be done. Yes, you will have to trust the app profile by going to Settings, selecting General, tapping Profile & Device Management and then tapping on the specific profile associated with your jailbreak app. Tap trust here so that the jailbreak app can be launched on your iOS device.
- Next, go to your device’s Home Screen and find the icon of LiberiOS app that you have recently installed and trusted. Launch the app and then tap on ‘Do It’ button right in the middle of the screen. Just sit back now and wait until the app jailbreaks your device.
- Now, after some time, you will see a screen indicating that you have successfully jailbroken your iOS device.
That’s it, you have successfully jailbroken your iOS 11 device and are ready to customize functionality to your own liking. You can start browsing different Cydia tweaks that can be of your interest and run them to make sure you get your device to operate in desired manner.
One thing to keep in mind here is that it’s a semi-untethered jailbreak, as mentioned earlier, and will require you to put the device back into the jailbreak mode whenever you will reboot it. However, it doesn’t take much of an effort and all you will be required to do is repeat steps 4 and 5 above and your device will be back in the jailbreak mode with all your customized functionality back again.
Furthermore, if you have used a free developer account for signing the IPA file for the jailbreak, it will last only for seven days or so and will expire afterwards. When this happens, you will be required to re-sign the app and sideload it again using exactly the same method described above. Just follow steps 2 through 5 and your jailbreak will be back to life again.
Now, that’s probably all about it. You can jailbreak iOS 11 now and start tweaking around with your latest iPhone’s functionality. Cheers!
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