The List Of Best AirPods Accessories Available Today

The AirPods from Apple are considered to among the unusual products that are popular all over the world and people really fall in love with them as soon as they try their AirPods for the first time. Even though the detractors are aplenty, all of them are those who haven’t used them ever. Still, there are others who know exactly why they’re so popular.

As the earphones are truly-wireless, you can easily be mistaken to think that there won’t be any accessories available for them. Obviously, you can’t plug anything into your wireless AirPods but still there are many accessories designed to work with them and they’re quite impressive as well.

These are the wireless Bluetooth earphones and are known to solve some connectivity issues which still exist with the other alternatives and can also last longer compared to others with one single charge. In fact, these are the future of wireless earphones. So, that’s a real hit from Apple and if you are interested in finding out accessories that work with Apple’s AirPods, here we have a few that you may not already be familiar with. Most of the items on this list are shipped for free worldwide and some discounts are also available. So, let’s explore what these accessories are and how they can be used with your AirPods.

  1. Tight-Fit Silicone Case

This beautiful AirPods case is available in quite a few different colors and won’t just provide maximum protection from against scratches and bumps but will also add a bit of character to your product as well. Available originally for $14.95, the Silicone case can now be availed at $9.95. The best part is that using AIRP61 coupon code will allow you to buy all the 6 colors only for price of 4.

  1. Twelve South AirFly

Just as the name suggests, AirFly is the accessory that you’d be able to use when on a flight where you don’t have any wireless connectivity. The accessory will allow you to still access everything you need by turning your earphones into something more wired. It’s available for $39.99.

  1. Silicone Cover For AirPods With Carabiner

This beautiful accessory is a perfect solution to make the charging case of your Apple’s AirPods look different. An added advantage of going with this cool accessory is that it comes with built-in carabiner that helps in keeping it safe. Obviously, you’d never want to lose the AirPods. Using the promo code APDC43 will allow you to get all the 4 colors in price of only 3.

  1. Carbon Fiber AirPods Skin

The AirPods from Apple really look amazing but with some cool accessories you can make them look even better. For instance, this beautiful skin can make your AirPods look unique and can cover both the AirPods as well as their case. Originally, it is priced at $14.95 but now you can buy it for only $9.95.

  1. 3 in 1 iPhone/Apple Watch/AirPods Charging Dock

You can find many chargers available for Apple Watch as well as for iPhone but is there something that can help you charge multiple devices from Apple?

Just add AirPods to the mix and you have this wonderful charging dock to charge all your Apple devices at once. Yes, we know that Apple has already introduced its AirPower charging pad but if you are not ready for that yet then this is the accessory that gives you a close match. And, obviously, it’s quite a cheaper alternative as well available originally at $49.95. The discounted price for now is $39.95, however.

  1. AirPods Watch Band Holder

This really is an interesting accessory available for AirPods users. It can be used for attaching your AirPods to Apple Watch band to keep it all safe. The product’s original price is $19.95 but now it is available only for $9.95.

  1. Glowing-In-The-Dark Silicone Case

Yes, we have many such accessories on this list that are all aimed at keeping your AirPods as well as their case safe. But if you are looking for something that adds a bit of visibility to the products, this is the case you should go for. The case doesn’t just offer the desired protection but its glow-in-the-dark material also makes it more visible than any other product on the list. Available originally for $18.95, you can buy it for $8.95 if you go for it now.

  1. Magnetic Silicone Strap

When you wear AirPods, you’re very much cautious all the time as you’re afraid of losing them. However, with the help of this wonderful magnetic strap, both your AirPods can be connected together and wrapped around the neck. This will ensure that if one of them falls out, you won’t miss it. The product is originally available for $34.95 but you can buy it for $15.95 for now.

  1. AirPods Leather Case

If you don’t like to have a silicone case for your AirPods, you should better try this leather case. The beautiful AirPods case is available in several colors and features a clip that proves to be helpful in keeping it safe by attaching it to your bag or to the waste.

The original price for the product is $29.95 while it is available for $14.95 right now. And if you can buy it by applying the code APLC53 at the time of checkout, you’ll get all 5 colors by paying only for 3.

  1. Durable Sports AirPods Carabiner Case

This is another accessory that helps to keep the product safe and sound at all times. However, it takes things a step further by providing impact protection of military grade for ensuring everything is kept safe when you are out. Originally available for $29.95, you can buy it for $15.95 if you act now.

  1. AirPods Charging Dock for Desk

AirPods are known to offer great charging times and things get even better when it’s about getting the juice from charging case as well. Obviously, the case needs power for itself as well and for that you can take advantage of this charging desk. Available in several colors, it is made using soft silicone to have a touch of uniqueness. The actual price for the product is $29.95 but it is available only for $14.95 right now.

  1. Better-Fit Earplugs

Another cool accessory that is made with soft silicone, it’s a perfect choice for anyone who finds it hard to get the AirPods sit in place inside the ears. The product is priced at $14.95 but is available at a discounted price of $7.95. You can also use the APEP64 code at the time of checkout for getting all 6 colors only by paying for 4.

So, these are some of the best accessories available for AirPods users and they can all offer protection and better usability as their key advantage. And, as they are available at discounted prices right now, you should better make a purchase now and not leave it for later.

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