Monument Valley 2 And Affinity Photo Are Out – Download Now

Apple’s WWDC keynote event took place only a couple of days back and there have been many new things revealed in an exciting presentation. Though the major focus was on the software and hardware releases from Apple, a couple of apps were also unveiled at the event. Both Monument Valley 2 and Affinity Photo received some stage time during that presentation and they are now available at App Store for download.

Talking first about Affinity Photo, the app is for professional photo editing and is currently available for Windows and Mac. But now it has made its way to App Store as well. So, you can now take image editing on your iPad to next level as it is supported on iPad 2017, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro 9.7”, iPad Pro 10.5” and iPad Pro 12.9”.

Though there is a long list of features that Affinity Pro comes with and the most prominent thing is that it uses new hardware introduced in iPads to its advantage. With 120Hz refresh rate, the users are certainly going to have better editing experience. You can currently buy Affinity Photo on App Store for just $19.99 but its regular $29.99 price will be back soon.


Now coming to Monument Valley 2, the developers Ustwo Games have released the sequel to their successful game Monument Valley. The sequel of this isometric puzzle game simply builds on the perfect features of the original game and tries to make a few things right in the second release. Most evident of all changes is that the users will now have to control two characters, contrary to one in the original game, as they navigate them through various obstacles coming in their way.

The app is already there on the App Store and can be downloaded for onlu $4.99. Monument Valley 1 is also still available for $3.99. So, if you want to have some entertaining gaming experience, both these chapters of Monument Valley are recommended for you.

Categories: App Store