If you have been among those iPhone X users who are often seen complaining about the fact that there is no split-screen experience officially made available to them, you have every right to complain. Even though the feature has been there for the iPad users for years, there must have been some reason why Apple decided to keep it away from iPhone until now. To be fortunate, however, there are third-party developers who have come up with a solution and quite an effective one as well. And, the best thing is that the process does not require you to jailbreak your device for it to work.
So, let’s take a look at how it works and what you need to do for enjoying a perfect split screen multitasking experience on your device.
- As split-screen multitasking is not supported by Apple natively, one needs to rely on some third-party app to achieve the functionality. Here, we’ll be using Splitware app to get you going with split screen multitasking on your iOS device. It is available as a free download and is available on App Store. Remember, the app is compatible with every iOS device running on iOS 11.2 or later.
- Now wait until the download is completed and the app is installed. Once it’s done, launch Splitware app.
- You’ll now be on the Home Screen of the app. In top half of the screen, you’ll be able to see current date and time that’s pulled out of your device. In bottom half, you’ll see several icons indicating possible split-screen experiences pictorially. Below is the list of options that you will be able to see in this icons list:
- Information
- eBay & Amazon
- Google Maps
- Splitware (lets you to go with your chosen combination of supported apps)
- Instagram & Twitter
- Google & Facebook
- YouTube
- Google Search
- Tap any of the icon that you need to instantly see pre-defined experience. For instance, when you tap the Instagram & Twitter option, it will show two webviews in the split screen where you’ll see both the social media networks pre-loaded. You can use both the sites using same screen at a time.
- Tap the ‘S’ icon within the app to get the option of choosing the desired experiences from pre-defined options list.
That’s all about it. The app gives you a wonderful option for running two apps simultaneously using a single view on your iPhone 7, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X and other models. One limitation of the app, however, is that it can’t access installed apps and can’t invoke native apps above each other. Everything it does is performed from within the app rather than at system level. However, with the app being available to work without a jailbreak, it’s very much worth it.
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