Substitute 0.0.6 Released For iOS 11 Jailbreak Prior To The Launch Of Electra 1.1

Without any warnings, the dev CoolStar has come up with a relatively silent update of Substitute as the 0.0.6 version was introduced. It’s been almost 5 weeks since the version 0.0.5 release, however, what’s unfortunate is that we don’t have any details on the change log or patch notes that could determine what exactly has been changed in the new version.

It is quite evident that so much work has been put into Substitute by CoolStar. After introducing Electra Jailbreak for iOS 11 that could work on all the devices running iOS 11.1.2 and earlier versions, CoolStar came up with the announcement that upcoming Electra release would ship with Substitute and Cydia.

In normal circumstances, the Cydia Substrate from Saurik would exist rather than Substitute but due to the fact that Substrate is a closed source and there has been no update to iOS 11 from Saurik, CoolStar took advantage of open source alternate framework from Comex bringing it into the position where his jailbreak could be supported and it could work side by side with Cydia Installer for installing any additional packages and tweaks.

It was in the start of March when version 0.0.5 of the Substitute was propagated into the community for trying out and rectifying different performance issues iOS device users reported related to their jailbroken devices.

And, when it was first released, it was considered one of the best options for offering a more usable and stable experience. Even though we don’t have any notes with this particular version, but some comments suggest that there are going to be more performance improvements. A user said that now ‘Anemone opens fast AF’.

Besides offering these stability and performance improvements, it is also quite possible that the Substitute 0.0.6 would nicely lay down the foundation for Electra Jailbreak 1.1 release from CoolStar. It was tested earlier in the month and promises to let ‘binaries to properly launch without any platform-application entitlement’ along with confirming previous issues in 64-bit binaries are rectified and not exist anymore on the Electra 1.1 jailbroken devices.

For now, there hasn’t been any official date for releasing Electra 1.1 but it appears that Substitute 0.0.6 will prove to be a catalyst for the jailbreak release.

Anyone with a device jailbroken with the Electra Jailbreak and experiencing those freezing and performance issues should definitely go for Cydia right away and grab their latest update in Substitute 0.0.6. Even if it’s going to take us a step closer to the release of Electra 1.1, some other enhancements and benefits should also come along.

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