Checkra1n 0.12.2 Jailbreak Update Is Here – Check Out What’s New

Checkra1n 0.12.2 jailbreak update is here and it comes with quite a few new features and changes. Here we have detailed everything that’s new in this release for iOS, tvOS, and iPadOS jailbreak tool.

The popular Checkra1n jailbreak that’s been based on checkm8 has been served an update with the latest 0.12.2 version available for download now. And, it really comes with many important changes.

The team behind Checkra1n used Twitter for announcing this new release as they confirmed that their new deployment of the jailbreak tool gets rid of some “LaunchDaemon issues” on the A10/A10X devices. Instead of indulging in the New Year celebrations, the Checkra team worked really hard and brought something good for the jailbreak users. They also mentioned that the latest release allows for USB access on Apple TV 4K.

Here we have the official changelog for this latest Checkra1n Beta v0.12.2 release.

What’s new

Highlighted changes

  • Enables USB on AppleTV 4k during normal system operation

Bug fixes

  • Fixes A10 and A10X devices crashing when trying to jailbreak on iOS 14.3 or higher
  • Fixes an issue where some LaunchDaemons were loaded on platforms where they should not have been


  • A11 devices on iOS 14.0 and above require removing the passcode and enabling “Skip A11 BPR check” in the options. This is not recommended, but it’s there.

Known issues

  • checkra1n does not currently work on Apple Silicon Macs
  • A7 devices will currently not work with the Linux version
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3
  • Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4k breakout boards
  • bridgeOS:
    • If you disconnect the cable, then as soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication with the T2
  • Some users have reported checkra1n crashing when Chinese is set as the only system language. It is unknown whether any other language is affected.

Unsupported platforms

This beta release works only on macOS and Linux. The support for Windows is currently under works and will come in a later release.

Package managers

Currently, checkra1n only works with Cydia. It will soon extend support for various other package managers, such as Installer and Zebra, and it’s expected to arrive in the coming weeks.

It’s also pretty clearly stipulated in the release notes that the release is just a beta previs which means you shouldn’t be installing it on any of your primary devices. Based on the previous experience, it might be somewhat stable but still, the warning is there and you should be careful about that.

The new checkra1n release is available for download at checkra.in.

Categories: iOSJailbreakNewsSoftware