
    Apple Pay Cash In iOS 11 iMessage May Require Some ID Scanning To Work

    Among the many new iOS 11 features, there is Apple Pay Cash as well that comes to iMessage. However, there are news coming in that this new feature might require the iOS users to even scan some type of ID to be able to use the feature. This thing has been discovered from the latest beta version of iOS and if this discovery has to be believed then some type of ID scanning is definitely on the cards.

    Apple Pay Cash References Found In iOS 11 Beta 7 Code

    The latest iOS 11 beta 7 comes with some new code that references to scanning of front & back of user’s ID card to use Apple Pay Cash with iMessage. The code also suggests that anyone who’ll not be able to do that will not be able to make any person-to-person funds transfers from the Messages application in the new iOS. However, Cash balance will still be available with the Apple Pay account and can be used in any other apps.

    No age requirements have been confirmed yet for using this type of feature from Apple. However, it is believed that the ID requirement might be associated with some type of age-related control on who can use the feature. If you haven’t heard of Apple Pay Cash before, it’s the latest Apple Pay version which is quite similar to Paypal and gives you an area to hold your funds. If Apple has plans for placing age-based limitations on the users, it could be with the aim to make sure that the youngsters do not get lured into different scams using the Messages application, sending the money of their parents to inappropriate people.

    The latest iOS 11 is expectedly coming in the start of next month before Apple releases iPhone 8 and the other two iPhones that are expected this year. As expected, all these three iPhone will be the first phones to feature the latest iOS from Apple. Apple Pay Cash isn’t the only feature to debut with iOS 11, and there are several other features that are designed specifically for new iPhone 8 and the new functionality that its hardware is expected to come with.

    As it appears, September 12 is going to be the release date and iOS 11 will also be given some time on the stage during iPhone announcement.

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