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    How To Capture Screenshots On Your Apple TV 4K

    As we all know, the latest Apple TV 4K does not come with any USB port whatsoever, unlike the USB-C port that was found in previous generation Apple TV models. In those previous models, screenshots of tvOS interface could be captured by connecting it to Mac through USB-C cable and using Xcodefor capturing screenshots. But now with no USB-C port available on the latest Apple TV, starting from Xcode 9, Apple introduces the wireless pairing feature. You can use this feature to wirelessly connect your Apple TV and Xcode 9 on Mac.

    Apple TV 4K

    This simply means that you can connect the two and be able to perform quite a few things wirelessly, which previously required a wired connection, and capturing screenshots is one of these things. Just follow some simple steps given here and start taking screenshots on Apple TV 4K by wirelessly pairing it to Xcode on your Mac.

    1. First of all, you’ll have to connect the Apple TV and Mac while making sure they’re correctly paired up using Xcode. We have a detailed guide on this and you can follow all the instructions in it to pair the two devices appropriately. Check the guide here: How To Connect Apple TV 4K And Xcode On Your Mac Wirelessly. Once done, get back here and continue with the steps given below.
    2. As soon as your Mac and Apple TV are connected wirelessly using Xcode, run Xcode on your Mac and browse to Window> Devices & Simulators in menu bar at the top.
    3. In the left pane, choose your Apple TV, and then set interface to screen that you have to capture in the screenshot.
    4. For capturing the screen that is appearing on your Apple TV, just click “Take screenshot” button that you can find on Devices & Simulators window on Xcode. Similar to the screenshots captured on Mac, the screenshot you’ve just captured will go in Desktop folder of the Mac by default. You can find it there anytime you want.

    That’s all, the same process can be applied for capturing screenshots on Apple TV 4th-generation too. This means you don’t really have to get messed up in all those cables and other stuff for connecting Apple TV and Mac. The wireless thing is pretty simple and neat!

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