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    ElectraTV tvOS 11.3 Jailbreak For Apple TV Now Available

    Electra team has been doing some great work to bring iOS 11.4 beta 3 jailbreak for iPhone and iPad and now it has decided to switch over to the tvOS platform from Apple. While Electra team has managed to make a switch successfully, it now means Apple TV 4 as well as Apple TV 4K running any tvOS version between tvOS 11.2 and tvOS 11.3 can be jailbroken successfully with the help of ElectraTV app.

    The new ElectraTV jailbreak is actually the result of all the commitment and hard work done by Justin Williams and @NitoTV who is known for the DNA linked to liberation of Apple TV. The latter also came up with the recent announcement about backr00m jailbreak release but at the same time he also announced that he’ll be following it up with ElectraTV release once it’s all set to liberate your tvOS. And, now ElectraTV has successfully been launched for Apple TV 4 and the Apple TV 4K devices running the tvOS versions described above.

    Anyone with compatible hardware available but not running tvOS 11.3 or lower will, however, not be able to take advantage of the ElectraTV jailbreak for tvOS. It’s not same as the Electra jailbreak for the iOS devices that supports even the latest beta version available, ElectraTV is not compatible with anything beyond tvOS 11.3.

    Now that may surprise many of you who might not even have expected Electra jailbreak for Apple TV to be coming through right after the cousin release for iOS devices. However, as tvOS is based on a slight modification to the iOS counterpart, any exploits and vulnerabilities that might have been found for the specific iOS versions would be applicable to corresponding version of tvOS as well.

    For now, jailbreaking Apple TV might not be as fruitful for many people. And, if you already have an iPhone/iPad liberated from all its limitations and running Cydia successfully then you already have access to lots and lots of package and tweaks installations that have been designed specifically for modifying or enhancing your experience with your iOS device. But, currently, the same can’t be true for tvOS as well.

    We don’t have any Cydia app for Apple TV at the moment and there is no catalog or library offering tweaks to enhance your tvOS and Apple TV experience. However, many consider nitoTV the Cydia for tvOS as it is available with some tweaks already. Nevertheless, we now have ElectraTV available and ready to be explored. You can check it out at and if you are passionate about Apple TV as well as jailbreaking, you must explore it now.

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