
    iOS 11.2.6 SEP and Baseband Get Compatibility With iOS 11.1.2 – How It Affects Jailbreak Users

    So, after all the negativity around jailbreak scene, we now have some positive news coming up. After the community seeing jailbreaks almost getting abandoned, some really talented developers opting out, lots of arguing and fighting going around, we finally have some hope as we know that iOS 11.2.6 SEP and Baseband get compatibility with iOS 11.1.2.

    As it appears the new iOS 11.2.6 release from Apple ships with SEP and Baseband compatibility with last jailbreakable version that was publicly available i.e. iOS 11.1.2. What this means is that anyone with a compatible device can now restore iOS 11.1.2 for jailbreaking their device with the Electra iOS 11 jailbreak from CoolStar. All they need is to have related SHSH2 blobs for that particular firmware version saved.
    The compatibility and the process has already been tested several times on iPhone 5s. It is very important to note here, however, that as SEP compatibility with iOS 11.1.2 is not there in iOS 11.3 betas. So, that means this might be your last opportunity to restore iOS 11.1.2 through future restore because compatible SEP won’t be there in iOS 11.3.

    However, as we still have beta versions of iOS 11.3 available and iOS 11.2.6/iOS 11.2.5 being the latest signed public firmware versions, it really is great news for some users who might be looking to restore their device to iOS 11.1.2 for jailbreaking.

    You might already know that Sarik and Cydia creator, Jay Freeman, hasn’t yet come up with any Cydia or Substrate update to make it compatible with iOS 11.

    To be fortunate, CoolStar, the developer of Electra jailbreak, has returned after some disappointment at community behavior and having decided to leave the community. So, we hope there will be more good news and jailbreak community will continue to flourish.

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