
    How To Clear Or Reset RAM On iPhone X Running iOS 11 – No Jailbreak Required?

    The flagship iPhone X from Apple is the latest addition to the iPhone family. And, despite all the innovations and advances in technology, even the latest iPhone occasionally surrenders to pressures related to apps & services that take good bit of RAM. Your new iPhone may have many iOS optimizations topped with 3GB RAM but if you still feel that it slows down sometimes, and the issue doesn’t seem to be getting resolved with standard reboot, here is a quick fix that will efficiently flush your iPhone’s RAM and free it up to optimize your phone’s performance.

    Instead of opting for hard reboot, or shutting your iPhone down and the restarting it, you can quickly flush its RAM Usage to get it up and running like before. So, if you are ready to take up this option, let’s dive straight into it and see how exactly it works and how you can do it with Assistive Touch. Here are the steps to follow.

    1. First of all, you’ll have to set up virtual Home Button for your device. The simple reason behind it is that iPhone X doesn’t come with a physical one and, therefore, you’ll need to access it virtually. For this, simply go to Settings and then navigate your way to General section where you can find Assistive Touch option in Accessibility. Turn it On.
    2. You will now be able to see virtual icon towards the bottom of your device. This icon is your Assistive Touch button that offers quite a few options including a Home Button that exists virtually. Again go to General section in Settings app now and scroll down to find Shut Down option and tap it.
    3. It will show you the standard screen for shut down that you usually see with ‘slide to power off’. Just ignore it and tap on Assistive Touch button for revealing some more options.
    4. Press the Home Button from Assistive Touch and hold it until you notice the screen flashing black & white momentarily and you’re taken back to Settings app again. That’s all, you have completed the process and the RAM of your iPhone X has been flushed successfully.

    The modern iPhone X comes equipped with combined software/hardware efficiencies in order to make sure you have a wonderful experience while using the device. However, if still there is the need for flushing/resetting/clearing your device’s RAM because of any performance issues, the above process will certainly improve things for you. And, if you have any queries related to this process, you can get in touch through comments section below.

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