
    List Of Jailbreak Tweaks Compatible With iOS 11.3.1 Available On Cydia For Electra

    Those having a long term affinity with iOS jailbreaking must be expecting for all the tweaks to work perfectly fine with the latest jailbroken experience with Electra iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak. However, those days are long gone when all the tweaks used to work flawlessly with any new jailbreak experience and now we have to continuously track down the packages that are compatible with the latest jailbreaks.

    Now with Electra jailbreak for iOS 11.3.1 already released, it comes with a built-in Project Repo-unclutter tool that seems to be more like an internal database to restrict the visibility of different packages and tools within Cydia if they’re hosted on the default repositories which don’t have the compatibility with jailbroken firmware version running on the device.

    Furthermore, there’s also a list of compatible tweaks offered by Electra team to provide jailbreakers with a resource that they can refer to in order to find out the packages that will be working, completely and partially, on the latest jailbroken experience.

    With the list already there, you just have to check it out for determining whether it’s worth installing a particular tweak on your device or not. So, if you’ve already jailbroken your latest iOS 11.3.1 with Electra, here we have listed all the compatible tweaks to make it all the more easier for you to decide which ones you should try to install on your jailbroken device. Let’s take a look.

    1. Alkaline
    2. BetterPowerDown
    3. Anemone
    4. ClassicFolders2
    5. Ventana
    6. NoLargeTitles
    7. Zeppelin
    8. YouTube Tools
    9. ColorBanners 2
    10. Rocket Bootstrap
    11. BatteryLife
    12. PreferenceLoader
    13. Filza File Manager
    14. Activator
    15. StatusSwitcher
    16. StatusFolder
    17. NoTrending
    18. BrightVol
    19. Luminous
    20. Chrysalis
    21. MapsOpener
    22. Opener
    23. Codling
    24. Cephei
    25. LinkOpener
    26. ColorMyCCModules
    27. 9Folderz
    28. Cylinder
    29. Libcolorpicker
    30. SoundTasker

    So, all these tweaks are compatible with jalbroken iOS 11.3.1 and can be accessible through Cydia for Electra. If you have already jailbroken your device, grab a few of these and tweak your iOS experience like never before. The list here is updated continuously, so make sure that you keep coming back to check the updates.

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