Apple has now decided to put in some extra spark to its mobile desktops as they now become lighter, faster, and far more efficient. The new updated Macbook line was announced by Apple at WWDC 2017 and if you’re shopping around for a laptop then a new Macbook you should be the first thing you’d want to look at. So, what are these updates all about? Well, read on to find out.
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What’s New In Latest Macbooks?
Though the updates made to the Macbooks is small but they can really make great impact. There will be three main changes made internally to entire Macbook line including:
- Kaby Lake Graphics
- Quicker Standard Graphics in MacBook Pro 15”
- Around 50% quicker speed on SSD
What’s The Price For New Macbook Line?
Even though the price hasn’t changed for the New Macbooks but there is significant price reduction in one of the models i.e. MacBook Pro 13”. Here are the prices for all the MacBooks available.
- MacBook Price: $1299
- MacBook Pro 13” Price: $1299
- MacBook Pro 13”(Touch Bar included) Price: $1799
- MacBook Pro 15” (Touch Bar included) Price: $2399
Are They Currently Sold?
The new updated MacBooks were made available by Apple as soon as they announced the update at WWDC 2017. So, if you are interested in buying one then you can place your order at Apple’s online store.