
    4K Video Recording On iPhone 6s – How It Works

    4K video recording is one of the most sought after features of latest iPhones and it was first introduced with iPhone 6s. The camera app that comes with your latest iPhones lets you record those high resolution 4K videos. However, it is important to mention here that the default setting in iOS 9 does not have the 4K recording feature enabled.

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    Recording 4K Videos On iPhone 6s

    4K Video Recording On iPhone 6s - How It Works

    So, let’s find out how you can enable 4K video recording on your iPhone 6s as well as where the settings can be located for changing your recording mode.

    In its default setting, your iPhone 6s records 1080p videos at 30fps frame rate. So, one can’t really say that the default settings are not so good in terms of video quality while still keeping file sizes pretty much the same. Also, there are no compatibility issues that usually come with higher resolution or higher frame rates. However, if you are interesting in shooting 4K videos or just want to increase frame rate of standard videos to 60fps then some changes might have to be made. You can’t change these settings in camera app, however, as you will have to go to Settings app and make changes as needed. So, here is how to change the recording mode.

    1. Go to Settings
    2. Select Photos And Camera
    3. Select Record Video
    4. In the Record Video settings, you will be able to find four modes for video recording in your iPhone 6s including 720p @ 30fps, 1080p @ 30fps, 1080p@ 60fps and 4K @ 30fps.Chooseany as you like.

    How To Set Your Video Mode Preferences According To Your Needs

    4K Video Recording On iPhone 6s - How It Works

    There are certain merits and demerits of each of these options in terms of file size, clarity and motion. For instance, if you want to record some live sports event then you’d prefer to go with 1080p @ 60fps because when the frame rate is higher it records fast motion better. But with your 16GB iPhone, you may want to choose 720p @ 30fps option if you are interested in recording events of a whole day so that the files created are small enough and can be easily kept on your device without running low on space. Though you may have different file sizes, some approximate numbers are given by Apple corresponding to each of these options. If you record 1 minute video only, for instance, it will take 60 MBs of storage when using 720p @ 30fps but the same video will need 375 MBs when the mode is set to 4K.

    However, if your preference is to shoot videos with perfect image quality then the file size should not matter to you and you must opt for 4K videos. For activating 4K mode, you will just have to tap on 4K option after going to settings through the process given above. Now when you’ll record videos using your Camera app, they’ll be shot in 4K. There will also be some type of visual indicator right next to shutter button which indicates that the recording is done in 4K mode.

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    You will also be able to see similar indicators when in other modes like “720P” for 720p @ 30fps and “60FPS” for 1080p @ 60fps. However, no indicator depicts the default mode and it’s completely understood that you’re running default 1080p @ 30fps setting when there is no indicator showing.

    So, to be unfortunate, you can’t toggle between these video recording options through the Camera app and will have to take the long route by going to Settings and then changing the mode there. It is, however, advised that you choose your preferred setting once and then continue with it. But if you are an avid user and need to use all these modes for different purposes then you’ll have to take the hard route.

    What Other Options Do You Have?

    4K Video Recording On iPhone 6s - How It Works

    Here we’d like to mention that same Settings area also allows you to change your mode of recording for the “slo-mo” videos that give ultra-high frame rate. Here is how you can do that.

    1. Open Settings
    2. Go to Photos and Camera
    3. Choose Record Slo-mo

    In this mode you have the option of choosing between 720p @ 240fps or1080p @ 120fps. The 1080p for higher frame rate videos is something that was introduced with iPhone 6s as previous generations could only shoot at 720p resolution. So, use this new and better feature to shoot comparatively better slow motion videos.

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