
    Download NotifyWifi10 To Stay Alert Whenever Your Wi-Fi Network Changes

    Every iOS device has a tendency to connect or change Wi-Fi networks automatically without even notifying the user. Well, thanks to Cydia, it is now possible to stay alert of the network connection that you are going to use with the help of NotifyWiFi10 tweak.

    Apple is consistently progressing towards better iOS experience and despite improving quite a lot of things nothing seems to change when it comes to managing Wi-Fi networks and the relevant settings. But if you have always been waiting for that, you must get a download from Cydia – NotifyWiFi10. It changes management of the WiFi settings in jailbroken iOS devices and gives you a lot more visibility and control of the activity on your Wi-Fi networks.

    Just as you can notice from its name, the tweak is aimed at giving you control and visibility of wireless networks that you are using. Installing and enabling NotifyWifi10 allows you to get access to quite a few network-related features.

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    For instance, you can choose to get Lock screen and banner notifications whenever your device changes or connects to some wireless network. It’s really important as it will alert you whenever you make connection to some open network in any public place like hotel or airport.

    Download NotifyWifi10 To Stay Alert Whenever Your Wi-Fi Network Changes
    In the notification, you will get SSID name and are informed instantly of whatever is going on. You can even create your black and white lists with NotifyWifi10 to allow and ban certain networks on your device. It is really an important feature to have as it allows you to connect to the safe networks only. It makes sure that the device follows the lists that you have set up and only connects to the white listed networks. There are some added functions as well like copying the name of the network instantly to clipboard. You can paste it for reference and also to modify vibration as well as notification behavior.

    NotifyWiFi10 comes as commercial package and is available to be downloaded from Cydia’sBigBoss repository. It is very much compatible with the iOS 10 and can be downloaded for $0.99. The package also includes continuous updates for this tweak’s entire lifecycle.

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